Sunday, July 19, 2009


The story of a young wanderer....Pit Holmes

Life has many stages; unfortunately we are hardly ever prepared for those that shape us into the people we eventually become. Pit Holmes had no idea how his life was not only going to change the lives of others, but also establish him as one of the most prominent men in the world. Born in the mid 1980’s this young boy grew up with so much doubt to what life had installed for him. He always envisioned himself as being just a regular kid, then a regular guy with a regular job. But there was nothing regular about anything in his life. His story is filled with twists and turns, love and hatred, passion and the fear of self-discovery…if you are interested watch out for the intro next week.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I'm back

After a brief break away from my blog, i'm finally back and have a lot of new views to out for them!!!!!