Saturday, April 28, 2007


We all need a little help once in our lives, and sometimes heroes, icons or role models such as William Shakespeare, Martin Luther King, Thomas Edison and Oprah Winfrey to propel us to heights we want to attain. We tend to begin to believe that these people make us the great persons we are, but I must say that greatness in anything we do starts from within us. Probably most of the people we aspire to be like had role models and their role models had role models and it keeps on going till you get to a time when role models weren’t available and had humans had to believe in their very own abilities to see themselves through difficult times.

Lance Armstrong is one of my favourite heroes, who not only beat cancer but also won the world’s most difficult race known as “Tour de France”. It is absolutely outstanding for a person to win such a race just once in an entire lifetime, but a record 7 times back to back is simply extraordinary. His success was largely attributed to the fact that he built on his overwhelming inner strength with the aid of those who truly believed he was a winner before he even got on a bicycle. The charisma of this individual and his never say die attitude at this moment in time should serve as more than enough inspiration for any young athlete.

The valuable lesson of inner strength should be something we should all embrace. Self-confidence, wishful thinking and selflessness to our desired goals are the tools that will always see us through in life. As the saying goes he who clings on to dreams, lives, and he who lives, believes, and he who believes, succeeds. No matter how grueling the challenges that you face are you are always bigger than your problems.

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