Saturday, April 14, 2007


In the words of my greatest icon. Its is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all - Shakespeare. Love cometh without any warning or sign; and when it gets you there's no holding back. It comprises of feelings that are completely unexplainable even to the most learned and gifted off people.

Without love there is no life and without life there is no love; hence it could be argued that love forms the basis of life. When “in love” you seem completely enveloped in a world of yours. A world where you are free to live, breathe and express yourself without any worries, where your castles could be built and all fears and tears; cast away and dried.

When you truly fall in love, it touches your heart just once and last for a life-time. Its power is strong that it could drive sane people mad when lost. Oh the beauty of love and the peace it gives couldn’t be measured. The story of Romeo and Juliet is a perfect example of what love should be, but heed the writings on the walls and never take it to the extremity else only a painful death awaits you.

However, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When love is brining so much peace and comfort to life; hate brings pain and a very un-welcoming feeling, which is brought about by those jealous of the love they cannot acquire. Thus individuals that aspire to hate end up in misery as the strength of love will always prevail. It is my sincere wish and prayer that love should remain in your heart always and never be lost because of the hurt attached.

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