Sunday, April 8, 2007

What makes a "SERIAL KILLER"

La Donna Beaty work is truly exceptional because she goes a long way to help us understand how a serial killer is formed. However she focused basically on trying to convince the reader that serial killers form themselves and that they are aren’t formed by circumstances.

I decided to make some sort of research into the lives of Serial Killers by visiting some websites over the internet and by watch various programs on serial killings and I am fully convinced that Serial killing doesn’t begin in the mind but its is formed by the sort of exposure given to an individual

Referring to an example she gave about Cain and Abel in order to show us just how far back serial killing begun. She forgot to state the reason behind Cane’s act, which was jealousy. This jealousy didn’t just pop into his head, but was placed into him due to God’s favouritism for Abel’s sacrifices, without into consideration difference in quality of the sacrifices offered.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that nobody knows anything except the person if taught either formally of informally. I strongly believe that a human being wouldn’t just awaking one morning and go on a killing spree if the hunger wasn’t already built into the person. A serial killer must have been exposed to some sort of violence as child either from the parents or from the shows on the television. For example, my research yielded a gruesome story of a 10 year old boy who killed a friend of his because he felt that he was getting in the way him and a girl he had a crush on in school. He sought advice from his father who showed him where he kept his pistol and till date he hasn’t stopped craving the desire to kill.

Apart from the above mentioned point, I am in total support of everything she said about the profile of a killer and I would encourage everyone to get their hands on a copy of such a piece because it enlightens us and makes us appreciate the mind of a serial killer.

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