Saturday, April 28, 2007


We all need a little help once in our lives, and sometimes heroes, icons or role models such as William Shakespeare, Martin Luther King, Thomas Edison and Oprah Winfrey to propel us to heights we want to attain. We tend to begin to believe that these people make us the great persons we are, but I must say that greatness in anything we do starts from within us. Probably most of the people we aspire to be like had role models and their role models had role models and it keeps on going till you get to a time when role models weren’t available and had humans had to believe in their very own abilities to see themselves through difficult times.

Lance Armstrong is one of my favourite heroes, who not only beat cancer but also won the world’s most difficult race known as “Tour de France”. It is absolutely outstanding for a person to win such a race just once in an entire lifetime, but a record 7 times back to back is simply extraordinary. His success was largely attributed to the fact that he built on his overwhelming inner strength with the aid of those who truly believed he was a winner before he even got on a bicycle. The charisma of this individual and his never say die attitude at this moment in time should serve as more than enough inspiration for any young athlete.

The valuable lesson of inner strength should be something we should all embrace. Self-confidence, wishful thinking and selflessness to our desired goals are the tools that will always see us through in life. As the saying goes he who clings on to dreams, lives, and he who lives, believes, and he who believes, succeeds. No matter how grueling the challenges that you face are you are always bigger than your problems.

Friday, April 20, 2007


The story of the formation of this powerful group known as "THE SPRINGS" is yet to be told; but their activities rocked the world of everyone that came in contact with them. The Springs consisted of seven young men in their twenties, trying to make a name for themselves since they were foreign to their new community and their passion for fame and fortune was a unifying factor; atleast it was for some of them.

They started by taking control of the seats of power that were up for grabs through manipulation of results and bribing of top officials through their very influencial memeber known as Don. In his quest for total dominance of the political offices for his friends. He had to secure the seat of the Senate President for himself which caused huge controversy among this group of power hungry vultures. In order not to cause an early division the other 5 members who where always in opposition to everything this diligent young man did, they decided to let sleeping dogs lie and wait for the perfect opportunity to assume his office.

They ran the activities of the community and in a short while all the fame, power and authority they desired was in their grasp, but in a twist of fate all their ambitions came crashing down as greed infiltrated into the group and the hunger for superiority blinded the eyes of the other five members that formed a faction in the group. Due to the unintelligent nature of the leader of this faction, he tried desperately to remove Don from office because he precived him as an obstruction to the leadership of the community, he tried to frame Don up in every way possible but failed due to the charismatic nature of Don combined with the overwhelming support he had from the members of the Senate also with his trustworthy ally by name Ken who refused to be part of the faction, Don was fully protected from his enemies.

The gutless leader of the faction resulted in playing dirty and tried to sight Ken's girlfriend as the cause of the difficulties the group was encountering. He apportioned all the blame to her saying that she was the one making Don and Ken hate the other members of the group and Ken was going to have none of that and walked out on the group thus initiating the most renowned break up in the history of this community. A popular saying goes that a child should never bite the fingers that fed him and thus Don who was instrumental in their success decided to follow in the footsteps of Ken and also walked out on the group after exhausting all efforts to bring about peace. The remaining five members began to loose relevance and were soon digraced from office and the community for violation of some of the rules and were sentenced to death by lethal injection. Meanwhile Don and Ken went on to become back to back Presidents of the community for a period of 4 years each and they went on to become the greatest leaders the community had ever had.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


In the words of my greatest icon. Its is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all - Shakespeare. Love cometh without any warning or sign; and when it gets you there's no holding back. It comprises of feelings that are completely unexplainable even to the most learned and gifted off people.

Without love there is no life and without life there is no love; hence it could be argued that love forms the basis of life. When “in love” you seem completely enveloped in a world of yours. A world where you are free to live, breathe and express yourself without any worries, where your castles could be built and all fears and tears; cast away and dried.

When you truly fall in love, it touches your heart just once and last for a life-time. Its power is strong that it could drive sane people mad when lost. Oh the beauty of love and the peace it gives couldn’t be measured. The story of Romeo and Juliet is a perfect example of what love should be, but heed the writings on the walls and never take it to the extremity else only a painful death awaits you.

However, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When love is brining so much peace and comfort to life; hate brings pain and a very un-welcoming feeling, which is brought about by those jealous of the love they cannot acquire. Thus individuals that aspire to hate end up in misery as the strength of love will always prevail. It is my sincere wish and prayer that love should remain in your heart always and never be lost because of the hurt attached.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

What makes a "SERIAL KILLER"

La Donna Beaty work is truly exceptional because she goes a long way to help us understand how a serial killer is formed. However she focused basically on trying to convince the reader that serial killers form themselves and that they are aren’t formed by circumstances.

I decided to make some sort of research into the lives of Serial Killers by visiting some websites over the internet and by watch various programs on serial killings and I am fully convinced that Serial killing doesn’t begin in the mind but its is formed by the sort of exposure given to an individual

Referring to an example she gave about Cain and Abel in order to show us just how far back serial killing begun. She forgot to state the reason behind Cane’s act, which was jealousy. This jealousy didn’t just pop into his head, but was placed into him due to God’s favouritism for Abel’s sacrifices, without into consideration difference in quality of the sacrifices offered.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that nobody knows anything except the person if taught either formally of informally. I strongly believe that a human being wouldn’t just awaking one morning and go on a killing spree if the hunger wasn’t already built into the person. A serial killer must have been exposed to some sort of violence as child either from the parents or from the shows on the television. For example, my research yielded a gruesome story of a 10 year old boy who killed a friend of his because he felt that he was getting in the way him and a girl he had a crush on in school. He sought advice from his father who showed him where he kept his pistol and till date he hasn’t stopped craving the desire to kill.

Apart from the above mentioned point, I am in total support of everything she said about the profile of a killer and I would encourage everyone to get their hands on a copy of such a piece because it enlightens us and makes us appreciate the mind of a serial killer.

Friday, April 6, 2007


The act of being attracted to the same sex is not an African Culture. Most especially in this great country called Nigeria. It is something that cannot be tolerated in any part of our beloved society and I doubt and pray it never will be.

Human right activists and gay people have argued that gay marriage should be allowed because it is a violation of people’s fundamental right to marry who the choose too, but I stand to say that is just rubbish. The attraction between a male and a female still dates back to the years of evolution (from a scientific point of view) or back to Adam and Eve (from a religious point of view) else how would we be in existence today if Adam had decided to look for another man to have a relationship with. Moreover, how would gay people have come into existence if they had two mothers or two fathers?

Gay people in my opinion are mentally ill and deserve to be thrown into asylums and tortured, so that they are properly reformed before they are let back into the society. It is an act that goes contrary to the teachings of our beloved African Culture and should be stamped out as quickly as possible for the sake of the generations yet unborn.

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Stranger Within Me

Say hello to the stranger within me
the one that has stolen my soul and captivated me
and caused me to feel nothing,nothing but emptiness
Like i've been plunged into complete darkness.

Say hello to this unwelcome visitor
that has caused me to feel a void within me
it makes me feel like falling-going under
i feel so light
As light as a feather

Say hello to this impostor
that has robbed me off everything i desire
i try to ascend
but i thoughts remain below;
And as i try to descend
i realise that i cannot go
Living in a world where nothing is what it seems,
i feel like i'm dwelling in a reality of broken dreams.
Perhaps!-'all hope is lost'
To me hope would seem like a thin ray of light
Enlightening my darkness.

Say hello to this intruder
that has made me to discover the cost,
the cost of creating a fantasy within me,
the cost of alternating fantasy with reality.
I feel so cold,it makes me shiver
I feel so broken,as if i wither.

But unfortunately i come to realise the truth,
the truth behind this impostor,
about this stranger,
that can make me feel so much pain,
A truth i will never be able to be in terms with,
Say hello to-me.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Old Men are Wise

Wisdom can't be bought, sold or inherited and is mostly earned through life's experience. The harder the road of life the wiser you become, atleast that is what my late Grandfather always said. It is something that is meant to be cherished, appreciated and searched for by the younger generations but it is rather unfortunate that most people don't care about the words of their elders. However, It is truly hurtful when you see an aged person (above 50 years) exhibiting poor Judgement as they are meant to be setting an example for the younger generations.